Shovel: What, he was just reading this candy wrapper, see?.Diego: Wow, Mailbox, that was beautiful.Let it fill your senses with cascading, fluffy pillows of excitement and comfort as you've never felt before. Mailbox: It's a vast, swirling wonderland of sparkling white plessure.Sidetable: Dora, Boots, Benny, Isa, Tico, Diego, and Baby Jaguar, look at this!.Isa: Steve, Blue, Tickety, Slippery, Sidetable, Mailbox, Shovel, and Pail, listen, how many times do we have to-?.

Slippery: When are you all gonna learn, Dora, Boots, Benny, Isa, Tico, Diego, and Baby Jaguar? "No" means "yes"!.Oswald, Weenie, Henry, Daisy, Johnny Snowman, Madame Butterfly, Catrina, Eggbert, and Leo said not to come in. Benny: Never mind, Steve and his gang.That means you, Dora, Boots, Benny, Isa, Tico, Diego, and Baby Jaguar. During hibernation, animals don't like to be woken up. Oswald: Hello! If y'all are watching this, that means we're asleep for the winter.Blue: (Barks Look, they're on the Eating Channel.).Boots: Oswald? Hey, Oswald and friends, what's with the sign?.Steve: Yay! Yay! Ha-ha! We're gonna beat you there! I'm gonna.Dora: Alright, we're gonna go to Oswald and his friends' house! Yeah! Ha-ha! Keep the house warm, Oswald and friends, we're on our way to your house! Ha-ha-ha.This is a transcript for Dora, Boots, Benny, Isa, Tico, Diego, and Baby Jaguar (SpongeBob SquarePants): Survival of the Idiots. You can help The Parody Wiki by expanding it.