The most commonly referenced game element is "breaching" - real-time hacking of not only your environment, but your enemies. A demo for co-op was released 1 February 2012 for Xbox 360 and Play Station 3, showcasing the Western Europe level. The game is linear with Kilo a silent protagonist and most of the story coming through cut-scenes or the environment.Ī four-player co-op mode is also included, where you play as one of four Agents under upstart rival syndicate Wulf Western going against other syndicates, including Eurocorp. You play as Miles Kilo, a new Agent under Eurocorp implanted with a prototype DART chip which grant him cutting-edge hacking abilities. PAGES WILL BE DELETED OTHERWISE IF THEY ARE MISSING BASIC MARKUP.Ī reboot of the Syndicate series, released in February 2012, an action RPG/ FPS hybrid written by Richard K.

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